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The food safety revolution: eliminating Acrylamide with PreventASe®

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Learn how PreventASe® enzyme technology is transforming the food industry by dramatically reducing Acrylamide levels.


Introduction to Acrylamide: a modern food problem

Acrylamide, a potentially harmful compound, is formed in foods subjected to high temperatures, resulting from a reaction between asparagine and reducing sugars.

Present in grain products, starches and potatoes, its reduction has become a priority for the food industry.

Regulation and public health risks

In response to the potential health risks, EFSA issued an opinion in 2015, followed by Regulation (EU) 2017/2158.

This has forced mitigation measures and standards to reduce the presence of Acrylamide in food.

The Innovative Solution: PreventASe®

PreventASe® emerges as a revolutionary solution, converting asparagine into aspartate and reducing Acrylamide levels by up to 90 percent, without altering the taste, color or texture of the finished product.

The effectiveness of PreventASe®, like all enzymes is dependent on:

  • Raw materials
  • Unity content
  • Contact time

Versatile applications and benefits

The versatility of PreventASe® is remarkable, with applications ranging from bread to cookies and snacks.

Its specific formulations are designed to integrate seamlessly into existing production processes.

Dependence on effectiveness: key factors

The effectiveness of PreventASe® depends on variables such as the raw materials used, moisture content and contact time, underscoring the importance of optimized application.

Qores Srl is your ideal partner for integrating PreventASe® technology into your production processes.

For personalized advice, contact us at and find out how we can help you improve the safety and quality of your food products.

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